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Battlefiled 3 Multiplayer


Game Feast

NEC BIRMININGHAM 16-18 Sept 2011


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Gears Of War 3

All The Info on the Final part of the trilogy

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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Seth Killian also offered up an explanation of the Air Combo Button — previously known as the Exchange Button — on MTV Multiplayer's blog. He states:

"The idea with this new button," [Killian] explains, "is to have the launcher — the attack that pops you up in the air — be the same for everybody because people were asking us 'why is it different for all the characters?' And we didn't really have an answer."

"In one sense it's easier," he confides "but it's deeper too." The Air Combo button does much more than just launch enemies in the air to open them up for air combos, you can actually use it to continue launching opponent characters in multiple directions. "Once you're in the air you can do traditional combos with punches and kicks, but if you hit the Exchange button or the Air Combo button while holding up or to the side, you'll tag in a partner who will connect and continue that combo in the air." A feat that can be done up to three times to cycle through your complete roster.

And that's just part of it really. Players on the defensive side of an Air Combo can pre-empt their opponents next attack direction and use the button and direction together to counterattack their opponent and start a new combo of their own. Killian reminds me, "You don't have to make a game harder to make it deeper."

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