I can control Bullets....
So we got a chance to play Singularity (yes we know its out on the 25/6/10) but we only got to play it a the beginning of this week, and we must say its quite solid FPS! as it mixes things together like Bioshock, Timeshift, MW2. Some other games references will pop into your head now and then.... The Raven Software Corporation isn't no stranger to FPS's now, as they have done Quake 4, The Soldier Of Fortune Series!
You can see its all quite bloody..... that's what happens when you can control bullets!
So we was quite Impressed at how Singularity played, how good tight controls, Solid shooting mechanics but lets get on the to the game it self! Singularity opens with you and a team sent into the to a secret Russian island, Katorga 12, were things have gone wrong, as scientist's have been doing experiments with an element called E99? this all happened in the 1950's mind you. and you invade the island in 2010, only for to... lets just say you change somethings!
As your chopper is bought down by a massive Electric blast, and you find yourself on the island but you are not alone, as not everyone got off the island in the 1950's disaster! this is where the game feels a bit like bioshock as you find audio tapes that play back peoples thoughts from back then and what ideas to what could of gone wrong. You even get ghostly flashbacks to what happened to certain people, and as you progress things do start to make some sense (but we wont spoil it for you) you eventually meet up with Devlin who was on your chopper with you, and you fight your way to the radio tower to call in for a airlift out of there... but we know that never goes to plan!
As seen here, Garage door... No Problem!
As you are captured by a USSR general, who knows you and ask you for the TMD which you have no idea what he is talking about. So without spoiling to much we will say you escape some how, then you try and find a secret lab that is on the island which holds the TMD! at about 45-55 minutes in you get the TMD (Time Manipulation Device) which allows you to do many thing like Age a enemy or re-build a set of stairs that was broken/destroyed before. You will upgrade the TMD regularly as you do to your weapons, by some hub (bit like bioshock's) which cost E99.
Sorry no ADAM here...... or Ryan industries!
But the upgrades to the TMD are done by Docking station you find which do it for you once you put your hand there with the device on. you cant get lost either as all you do is press down on the D-pad and you'll see foot prints of where your meant to go, even though the 2hrs we played Singularity for we never found any of the puzzle's to straining on our brains. So was we impressed by Singularity? Yes we was as it did offer something different with the TMD (Time Manipulation Device) and some solid Controls/Puzzle's! the story itself is very intriguing as it did keep us interested to what was going on and how things kept changing every time we went back and fourth through rifts in-time. Coming back after saving some one or destroying certain things!We was also told the cake was a lie?????
As with the TMD we could fix things to show words like this, which makes you wonder what was really going on and did you have such a big role to play in this for one of your actions or was it all just smoke and mirror's???? as we said we liked what Singularity did would easly recommend this to any FPS fan out there. It's just a shame we could fully test the Multiplayer side to see how that fared. But there was no people playing it when we got to play the game!
Shame really s we think it would of been quite good, Singularity is out Today (25/6/10) please check back for our Full Review.
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