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Battlefiled 3 Multiplayer


Game Feast

NEC BIRMININGHAM 16-18 Sept 2011


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Gears Of War 3

All The Info on the Final part of the trilogy

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

We got our hands on a preview build of the game, has Edios montreal done a good job, or have they gone down the road of another FPS?


Wouldn't ya know it, you wait over a decade for your favourite games to be revisited and two timely updates come along at once (or something), and we've had two trips down nostalgia lane this month.
The first was the abysmal Duke Nukem Forever, a game so bad that it commits the ultimate sequel sin and makes you question why you like the original game in the first place. The second sees Nintendo celebrate it's finest hour by re-making what many believe to be the greatest game of all time.
The thing about Duke Nukem was that it tried to re-capture the charm of it's ancestor by crafting a hideously belated follow-up/re-boot/re-hash, rather than try something new, which was destined to fail. Ocarina Of Time 3DS on the other hand, has to present a masterpiece, not one filtered through the rose tinted specs of forgotten youth, but a bona-fide masterpiece, and somehow make it seem shiny, new and relevant. It's a testament to Nintendo that they accomplish this and so much more.


The most obvious elements this remake brings to the table are cosmetic. The 3D visuals are a brilliant advertisement for Nintendo's new hardware. From the tiny fairies that dance around Link's village to the sun shafts that blind you while you gallop through Hyrule field, the effect is far more than a gimmick, it brings the game to life.
Elsewhere, the functionality of the 3DS has been worked into gameplay in subtly effective ways. Aiming Link's ranged weapons requires moving the 3DS around in real space, as does using the camera, it's a mechanic that can seem disorientating at first, but emerges as fun and immersive. 
Aside from venturing into the third dimension, the visuals have also had an upgrade and, while there are still some obvious blemishes (jagged edges, sparse environments), the game looks sufficiently contemporary enough to not be pigeon holed as a hasty re-jig.


But what of the game itself? Does it still hold the charm and magic it did back in 1998? The easy answer is, why the hell did you just ask that. Ocarina Of Time is revered for a reason, it's the very pinnacle of Nintendo's classical approach to a captivating story and innovative game mechanics. Link is one of gamings greatest heroes, Hyrule it's most magical kingdom.
Key moment's in the game benefit greatly form the new 3D augmentation. Your'e first steps in Hyrule field are awe inspiring, and Links's graduation to the true hero of time is the single most stirring moment in both versions.

Its's the little moments that stay with you the most; playing the ocarina for the first time and making night change to day, using the hookshot, riding around on Epona. These moments formed the backbone of most of our gaming youth and Nintendo has given a whole new generation a chance to experience Link's greatest adventure. As for the rest of us, the ones that still have that N64 copy poised and ready to re-visit, you still owe it to yourself to own this version. Need reason to purchase a 3DS? Look no further.  


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