After watching Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony's E3 Press Conference's i feel as though this years E3 was a weak showing for the hardcore gamer, it felt like MS/Sony was all about the Motion controller's even after Sony kinda failed at the Sixaxis as i have yet to see a game take full advantage of it and it work!
No this year was all about both company's going about how they defined that area of gaming, how they are the only place you can get these kind of precise controls.... well let me tell you as a gamer, I DONT GIVE A FUCK! (well i do but i'll explain)
So ill give a run down of each Press Conference;
So now we know the name of Project Natal...... KINETIC! and even though i dont think the name is bad, i wasn't that impressed by the game. OK so we know the MTV's Dance Central is gonna sell loads, just as Your shape fitness game is gonna do the same, see we is all for this but c'mon MS what about all the other game's you could of shown?
There was no Big Wow moments at all, OK there was a bit with gears of war 3/Black op's. But still it wasn't show stopping stuff! Last years was way better and i have to say MS WTF was the circus thing about hmmm as that was a load of crap. for us we could see where MS was going with there Press Conference they was targeting the Casual gamer, which is a good business move as you can see by the Wii sale's and game sale's that these kinda game's do sell well!
Also there is now a Xbox 360 slim? which looks lovely as hell but is it gonna be a decent model this time round and is it gonna be any less quite (not that bothers us considering we have our TV's quite loud) well atleast MS put built in Wi-fi into it!
Its just a shame MS didn't show other big game's or there future plans for hardcore gamers, if we're honest we feel a bit let down with MS this yr as ok we now know the name for Project Natal (Kinetic) but still there is no price point for it. But overall MS's Conference was for them to push Kinetic this year im just hoping we dont see a Master Chief @ the Common wealth games, or Master Chief @ MS sports!
well lets hope MS dont forget about us Hardcore gamers that's all we're gonna say.
We cant be that pissed at Nintendo as they have all ways had Motion controls for the get go, and it seems that there just add better games for it. We did like the showing of the new Zelda: Skyward Sword! even if the controls did seem to lag a bit or not respond at all, but the games that they did show where ones that where interesting, As the Metriod game looked intriguing.
and The new 3DS game Icarus boy looked really good, but again the rest was typical Motion Control games! we didn't feel that Nintendo was offering anything new or a Must have even Zelda was a maybe after the control problems they had on stage.
Let me get this out of the way, We have no interest in MOVE what so ever as its over priced offer's nothing that the Wii cant offer (apart from HD graphics) as for us Sony's Move is the wii-mote and Nun-chuck really. The game Sorcerer was cool and all but it was like a wanna be harry potter! and as for the rest of the Move game's we couldn't care less or that old games are getting its support,
but Sony did do something that made us happy, they showed Metal Twisted, Infamous 2, Sly Series (Re-Releasing) now we all think Kevin Butler is a funny guy but having a dig at MS/Nintendo about there Motion Controls just show's how petty Sony is, hell they even Dig at Apple and the I-phone/Pad. I mean dig all you want Sony but FACT is the sale's figures speak for them self!
and lets also be honest and say the PSP-Go is............ for us a waste of time, so we not even gonna bother!
As you can tell we wasnt impressed that much by what we saw, we do see the potential of these's new motion controls but i think its a way off before hardcore gamers are gonna jump on the band wagon!