Preview written by: Sci0n
Press Start - For addictive Orb collecting.
In 2007 Realtime Worlds released a game for the xbox 360 called Crackdown, and with it being an early game for the console it still proved to be quite a hit. Many said people mainly bought it for the Halo 3 Beta invite.... for me i actually bought it for wanting to play the game, as Realtime worlds had there hand at doing the GTA series (well the CEO) and anyone who played the game could easily say the game was fun, it had 2 player Co-op, distinctive look and the gameplay was different to anything else we had played!We never got bored of blowing shit up!
Now 3 years later and Crackdown 2 is about to be released, and even though the game isnt being developed by Realtime Worlds (as they've been doing APB) so the folks over at Ruffian Games have took over for the Sequel, and at first we was worried but the nice people at Ruffian games have been kind enough to give us a demo. So is Crackdown 2 better or has it lost its magic it once had?I think i just followed through.... oh no wait i just got stronger.
Well we can say right now Crackdown 2 is as addictive and fun as the first game, from the moment the demo opens you know how much fun this gonna be. They've added so much it's hard to even think where to begin! There are new weapons, vehicles, enemy's, even a new suit as you upgrade your skills, of course all this is done in the same way it was in the first crackdown but they have added Orbs for of those skill trees lying around the city, some even run away from you begging you to catch them. These are called 'Renegade Agility Orbs' and move once you get close to them some have to be pursued while on foot, others while in a vehicle! Its all very Crackdown as on one of our playthroughs of the demo we found ourselves just running around collecting the orbs, or running as many people we could over to unlock each skill set.THAT ORB WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!!!
It reminded us of how much we loved orb searching/collecting, as we never did get all the orbs in the original crackdown. now there is more than these to collect as we found audio diaries etc.. you could even earn achievements in the demo ready for you to unlock them in the full game, But sadly we haven't unlocked any as of writing this which begs for us to keep playing the demo until we do. the demo was enhanced for you to unlock the skill's faster and we did wonder what we would be able to do if we wasn't at the level we got to on one of our playthroughs. As at one point we was in a infected lair defending ourselves while the beacon was deployed and had to charge it self up.Skill's For Kill's Agent!
which got use thinking what if we wasn't level 3 in strength/shooting/agility would we of survived the attack or would the beacon survived as it did take quite a beating and nearly got destroyed? which ask another question with the game being 4 player Co-op would some of the Lairs/Strongholds have to be done with 4 players or even just 2? so many questions that seem would only be answered once we get to play the full game. as Crackdown has 'The Cell' these replace the gangs of the first game, they see them selves as the people who want to rid the city of the agency and its agents and have released a virus for certain reason we wont say. Then there are the 'Infected/Freaks' these things were once people of pacific city who got infected by the virus, these creatures only come out at night and are strong, fast and we do think there will be ones that are agile as well.At Level 3 we was having loads of fun, wonder what level 4 will offer?
So not only does our agent have 'The Cell' to deal with it also has the 'Infected/Freaks' to contend with, which offers the player more ways to earn those orbs. pacific city has changed to you will notice some of the landmarks from the first game but the city has expanded adding new areas for you to explore or for you to just cause mayhem. And we can say you have even more weapons/gadgets to do so not all of them are unlocked in the demo but the ones we do get to mess around with were fun, we could go on about so much and this is just the demo.the demo just makes us want the full game so much we cant wait to play it! Ruffian games seem to have done a good job, yet we do wonder what they have in-store for the Multiplayer. when the 9th of July come we will be running, jumping, shooting our way around pacific city with 3 of our other friends or even doing something else like; trying to drive a car up a building or even having races to the top of buildings, then only to try and boot our mates of the top just for a laugh.