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Gears Of War 3

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution

We got our hands on a preview build of the game, has Edios montreal done a good job, or have they gone down the road of another FPS?

Archive for June 2010

I can control Bullets....

So we got a chance to play Singularity (yes we know its out on the 25/6/10) but we only got to play it a the beginning of this week, and we must say its quite solid FPS! as it mixes things together like Bioshock, Timeshift, MW2. Some other games references will pop into your head now and then.... The Raven Software Corporation isn't no stranger to FPS's now, as they have done Quake 4, The Soldier Of Fortune Series!

You can see its all quite bloody..... that's what happens when you can control bullets!

So we was quite Impressed at how Singularity played, how good tight controls, Solid shooting mechanics but lets get on the to the game it self! Singularity opens with you and a team sent into the to a secret Russian island, Katorga 12, were things have gone wrong, as scientist's have been doing experiments with an element called E99? this all happened in the 1950's mind you. and you invade the island in 2010, only for to... lets just say you change somethings!

As your chopper is bought down by a massive Electric blast, and you find yourself on the island but you are not alone, as not everyone got off the island in the 1950's disaster! this is where the game feels a bit like bioshock as you find audio tapes that play back peoples thoughts from back then and what ideas to what could of gone wrong. You even get ghostly flashbacks to what happened to certain people, and as you progress things do start to make some sense (but we wont spoil it for you) you eventually meet up with Devlin who was on your chopper with you, and you fight your way to the radio tower to call in for a airlift out of there... but we know that never goes to plan!

As seen here, Garage door... No Problem!

As you are captured by a USSR general, who knows you and ask you for the TMD which you have no idea what he is talking about. So without spoiling to much we will say you escape some how, then you try and find a secret lab that is on the island which holds the TMD! at about 45-55 minutes in you get the TMD (Time Manipulation Device) which allows you to do many thing like Age a enemy or re-build a set of stairs that was broken/destroyed before. You will upgrade the TMD regularly as you do to your weapons, by some hub (bit like bioshock's) which cost E99.

Sorry no ADAM here...... or Ryan industries!

But the upgrades to the TMD are done by Docking station you find which do it for you once you put your hand there with the device on. you cant get lost either as all you do is press down on the D-pad and you'll see foot prints of where your meant to go, even though the 2hrs we played Singularity for we never found any of the puzzle's to straining on our brains. So was we impressed by Singularity? Yes we was as it did offer something different with the TMD (Time Manipulation Device) and some solid Controls/Puzzle's! the story itself is very intriguing as it did keep us interested to what was going on and how things kept changing every time we went back and fourth through rifts in-time. Coming back after saving some one or destroying certain things!

We was also told the cake was a lie?????

As with the TMD we could fix things to show words like this, which makes you wonder what was really going on and did you have such a big role to play in this for one of your actions or was it all just smoke and mirror's???? as we said we liked what Singularity did would easly recommend this to any FPS fan out there. It's just a shame we could fully test the Multiplayer side to see how that fared. But there was no people playing it when we got to play the game!

Shame really s we think it would of been quite good, Singularity is out Today (25/6/10) please check back for our Full Review.

Previewed By:

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Seth Killian also offered up an explanation of the Air Combo Button — previously known as the Exchange Button — on MTV Multiplayer's blog. He states:

"The idea with this new button," [Killian] explains, "is to have the launcher — the attack that pops you up in the air — be the same for everybody because people were asking us 'why is it different for all the characters?' And we didn't really have an answer."

"In one sense it's easier," he confides "but it's deeper too." The Air Combo button does much more than just launch enemies in the air to open them up for air combos, you can actually use it to continue launching opponent characters in multiple directions. "Once you're in the air you can do traditional combos with punches and kicks, but if you hit the Exchange button or the Air Combo button while holding up or to the side, you'll tag in a partner who will connect and continue that combo in the air." A feat that can be done up to three times to cycle through your complete roster.

And that's just part of it really. Players on the defensive side of an Air Combo can pre-empt their opponents next attack direction and use the button and direction together to counterattack their opponent and start a new combo of their own. Killian reminds me, "You don't have to make a game harder to make it deeper."

Super Street Fighter IV - Tournament
[Season 1]

So with SSFIV getting an update for player to host tournament's here at GVC we thought it would be good to try it out and truly see you is the 'World Warrior'

So you can only host up to maximum 8 players in any tournament, you could do less but its not as fun of you do as we found alot of player would leave before the tournament had started, Which skipped the Qualifier rounds So it took us 5 tries to get/join a full room!

So we joined Jonhyrainbow1's room and soon after we had a full room;

The Tournament Begins with there 7 Matches to play who know's who is gonna be The Winner. So first is the Qualifying Rounds.... and we split into 4 groups of 2's;

Qualifier 1:

And first up in Qualifier 1 is Mayhem64 (Sagat) VS Stellar Zero (E.Honda)

Round 1; and it seem Stellar Zero thinks he can keep spamming the same move, and he keeps Mayhem in the corner for most of the first round and after a few hits Stellar Zero finally puts Mayhem64 down in round 1.

Round 2: but Mayhem64 starts to realize whats going on and puts sagat's tiger knee into to play, with a few Tiger's/Uppercuts. And @ 1:29 Mayhem64 gets Stellar Zero with a Super combo.... and with Stellar Zero trying his spamming tactic's Mayhem64 opens him up with a tiget upper cut to finish the round.

Round 3: In this round both players are aware of each others tactic's, but still Stellar Zero thinks he can still do his spamming move. Which hits maybe once but he catch's Mayhem64 with Honda's Ultra Combo and boy we wouldn't want to be face palmed by E.Honda, but again Stellar Zero reverts to his spamming which Mayhem64 full knows how to deal with and Finish's the fight with another Tiger uppercut.

Qualifier Winner: Mayhem64

Qualifier 2

In Qualifier 2 we have; Johnyrainbow1 (Guile) VS Hardstyle1989 (Balrog)

Round 1: And Johnyrainbow1 starts with some sonic booms, which don't seem to much trouble for Hardstyle1989. But its not lone before Jonhyrainbow1 catches him with a few as Hardstyle1989 tries to break through his defense, and when we thought Hardstlye1989 had Johnyrainbow1 with a Ultra Combo.... Johnyrainbow1 does something we don't see coming he uppercuts him with great time to finish this round off!

Round 2: and Hardstlye1989 goes right through one of Johnyrainbows1 Sonic booms with a hard darting punch, Hardstyle1989 does it agian but miss's as Mr ranobow1 jumps over his attack this round is quite a defense/offense fighting style. but after a few sonic booms, johnyrainbow1 catch's Hardstyle1989 with a Scissor kick to finish the Match off!

Qualifier Winner: Johnyrainbow1

Qualifier 3:

In Qualifier 3 we have; Traxxminoo 51(Ryu) VS Giof 007 (Ryu)

Round 1: It's Ryu VS Ryu and we know whats gonna happen usually when people pick Ken or Ryu! and its Ha-do-kens an Hurricane kicks all round, but then things get interesting as Traxxminoo 51 Dizzy's Giof 007 with his jabs and quick combos. Giof 007 does fight back but it ain't good enough as Traxxinoo 51 show's!

Round 2: Traxxminoo 51 plays with Giof 007 by canceling his move's or following through with combo's to keep him guessing, but @ 1:25 Giof 007 gets him with a Ultra combo. But it proves not enough as he Miss's completely with his Super combo... but Goif 007 aint going down without a fight and gives all he has got, just a shame he kept doing hurricane kicks as maybe Traxxminoo 51 wouldn't of caught him with his Ultra Combo and can we say what a Finish it is one of the Highlights of the Tournament its a must see!

Qualifier Winner: Traxxminoo 51

Qualifier 4:

So next is; Sci0n/Us (Juri) VS l6 Shingouki 9l (Juri)

Round 1: and we ask our self's why do we keep picking Juri? as she isn't our strongest character as we still need to practice with her, but i think we would rather try with her than just pick a safe bet like most players do plus were all ways up for a challenge, but that doesn't stop
l6 Shingouki 9l catching us with a Shikusen and then l6 Shingouki 9l pulls off Juri's Senpusha which we try to counter with a focus attack, but l6 Shingouki 9l is quick with Juri's move's. We do catch him with a Senpusha and follow it up with it's kicks, and dont ask us why we pulled of the ultra when we did.... but we do feel as though we put up a good fight as we was finished of by a crouching medium kick.

Round 2: Is fast and frantic with us and
l6 Shingouki 9l pulling off alot of Senpusha/Shikusen's, an we then get l6 Shingouki 9l in a throw putting his face into the floor, an then it's back to catch each other with Shikusens..... and we unleash our Ultra which give's l6 Shingouki 9l an opening and he take's by showing us how it should be done, then we get finished by a quick punch!

Qualifier Winner: l6 Shingouki 9l

So with 4 knocked out in the Qualifying round it's on to the SEMI FINAL'S;


Now were on the Semi Final's; Mayhem64 (Sagat) VS Johnyrainbow1 (Guile)

Round 1: johnyrainbow1 proves to be quite the pro player with Guile, Mayhem64 still gets few good hits in. this round seems to be a close call until johnyrainbow1 starts doing his cancels and focus attacks.... after a missed flash kick and a blocked tiger uppercut, johnyrainbow1 finish's Mayhem64 with a Back breaker throw!

Round 2: Sonic boom's, Uppercuts, Tigers, Flash kicks are all pulled off as both players seem t be on the offensive. with Mayhem64 keeping Johnyrainbow1 at bay but even when he does get close Mayhem64 get's him with a few cheeky combo's and a tiger knee. But @ 2:14 johnyrainbow 1 lets his Focus attack do the talking and show's Mayhem64 how it should be done with following up with his ultra combo. aint over yet as Mayhem is backed into a corner knowing he cant jump over Johnyrainbow1 which give's him the opportunity to finish him with a sonic BOOM!

SEMI FINAL 1 WINNER: Johnyrainbow1


So up next in our other Semi Final; Traxxminoo 51 (Ryu) VS l6 Shingouki 9l (Juri)

Round 1:
l6 Shingouki 9l is straight to it with Juri's Fuhajin, Shikusen, Senpusha... Getting right in Traxxminoo 51's face, but Traxxinoo 51 ain't no push over as he hits back with some good combos. which in turn brings down l6 Shingouki 9l health showing him brute force doesn't all-ways win, as a mistimed Ultra can mean everything in SSFIV And l6 Shingouki 9l know's this when he leaves him self open for Traxxminno 51 to pull off a Dragon Punch which ends the round!

Round 2: Traxxminoo 51 gets the first hit with a Ha-do-ken,
l6 Shingouki 9l tries to hit him with a few Shikusen's but only connects with one. But does catch Traxxminoo 51 with a Focused Senpusha as both keep trying to connect to follow up with combo's l6 Shingouki 9l connects with 3 Senpusha's but Traxxminoo 51 hits back with a dragon punch cancels it to follow up with a nice focused one.... then tries to do a Focused hurricane kick on l6 Shingouki 9l, who unleashes his Ultra Finishing the round off!

Round 3: Traxxminoo 51 lets
l6 Shingouki 9l know how he feels by taunting him... then jump in to Dragon punch him afte l6 Shingouki 9l tries hitting him. As hit, combos fly its clear this round is gonna be a close one. as l6 Shingouki 9l pull's off some of Juri's combo's to bring his health in line with Traxxminoo 5's, Traxxminoo 51 hits back with little but awesome dragon punch cancel to Focused Dragon punch combo! And then it happens just when we thought Traxxmino 51 had l6 Shingouki 9l he pulls off Juri's Ultra with devastating consequences which brings our Semi Finals to a close.

SEMI FINAL 2 WINNER: l6 Shingouki 9l


And here it is THE GRAND FINAL; Johnyrainbow1 (Rose) VS l6 Shingouki 9l (Juri)

so Johnyrainbow1 decides to use Rose instead of Guile, will this be a bad choice is he confusing his opponent? So we decided instead of giving a brief talk over each round we urge you to watch it as its such a close call, and we are still asking ourselves why did he do that Ultra at that point in the match!!!

WINNER: ?????

Well we hope you enjoyed our Season 1 of Super Street Fighter IV - Tournament and we hope you check back in the future for our inevitable SEASON 2

Please leave a comment or email us if you would like to take part in SEASON 2

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Preview written by: Sci0n

Press Start - For addictive Orb collecting.

In 2007 Realtime Worlds released a game for the xbox 360 called Crackdown, and with it being an early game for the console it still proved to be quite a hit. Many said people mainly bought it for the Halo 3 Beta invite.... for me i actually bought it for wanting to play the game, as Realtime worlds had there hand at doing the GTA series (well the CEO) and anyone who played the game could easily say the game was fun, it had 2 player Co-op, distinctive look and the gameplay was different to anything else we had played!

We never got bored of blowing shit up!

Now 3 years later and Crackdown 2 is about to be released, and even though the game isnt being developed by Realtime Worlds (as they've been doing APB) so the folks over at Ruffian Games have took over for the Sequel, and at first we was worried but the nice people at Ruffian games have been kind enough to give us a demo. So is Crackdown 2 better or has it lost its magic it once had?

I think i just followed through.... oh no wait i just got stronger.

Well we can say right now Crackdown 2 is as addictive and fun as the first game, from the moment the demo opens you know how much fun this gonna be. They've added so much it's hard to even think where to begin! There are new weapons, vehicles, enemy's, even a new suit as you upgrade your skills, of course all this is done in the same way it was in the first crackdown but they have added Orbs for of those skill trees lying around the city, some even run away from you begging you to catch them. These are called 'Renegade Agility Orbs' and move once you get close to them some have to be pursued while on foot, others while in a vehicle! Its all very Crackdown as on one of our playthroughs of the demo we found ourselves just running around collecting the orbs, or running as many people we could over to unlock each skill set.


It reminded us of how much we loved orb searching/collecting, as we never did get all the orbs in the original crackdown. now there is more than these to collect as we found audio diaries etc.. you could even earn achievements in the demo ready for you to unlock them in the full game, But sadly we haven't unlocked any as of writing this which begs for us to keep playing the demo until we do. the demo was enhanced for you to unlock the skill's faster and we did wonder what we would be able to do if we wasn't at the level we got to on one of our playthroughs. As at one point we was in a infected lair defending ourselves while the beacon was deployed and had to charge it self up.

Skill's For Kill's Agent!

which got use thinking what if we wasn't level 3 in strength/shooting/agility would we of survived the attack or would the beacon survived as it did take quite a beating and nearly got destroyed? which ask another question with the game being 4 player Co-op would some of the Lairs/Strongholds have to be done with 4 players or even just 2? so many questions that seem would only be answered once we get to play the full game. as Crackdown has 'The Cell' these replace the gangs of the first game, they see them selves as the people who want to rid the city of the agency and its agents and have released a virus for certain reason we wont say. Then there are the 'Infected/Freaks' these things were once people of pacific city who got infected by the virus, these creatures only come out at night and are strong, fast and we do think there will be ones that are agile as well.

At Level 3 we was having loads of fun, wonder what level 4 will offer?

So not only does our agent have 'The Cell' to deal with it also has the 'Infected/Freaks' to contend with, which offers the player more ways to earn those orbs. pacific city has changed to you will notice some of the landmarks from the first game but the city has expanded adding new areas for you to explore or for you to just cause mayhem. And we can say you have even more weapons/gadgets to do so not all of them are unlocked in the demo but the ones we do get to mess around with were fun, we could go on about so much and this is just the demo.

the demo just makes us want the full game so much we cant wait to play it! Ruffian games seem to have done a good job, yet we do wonder what they have in-store for the Multiplayer. when the 9th of July come we will be running, jumping, shooting our way around pacific city with 3 of our other friends or even doing something else like; trying to drive a car up a building or even having races to the top of buildings, then only to try and boot our mates of the top just for a laugh.


Get Microsoft Silverlight

Reviewed by: Sci0n

Black Rock Studio's is no stranger to racing game's as they have a good amount of knowledge under there belt, with games like Pure, MotoGP series, Even Crash N Burn (which we loved) but then why does Split Second: Velocity feel like its missing something....

It all begin's here, and now on BR-TV (Rubber Band A.I is part of the package)

Split Second is like something Michael bay would do if he made games, as there are enough explosions, Crash's Etc. That one could make a film it self! Split Second is set in a reality game show called 'Split Second' and is Recorded/Aired by BR-TV (Black Rock) and you are a contestant on the show who is there to take on the elite racer's and win the 'Split Second Season'

Eat my Dust, or was that someone's Power Play?

Split Second is split over 12 Episode's on 12 racks, and in each episode there are 6 different Race's some consist of;
  • Race: Win the race by any mean necessary, by completing the required laps.
  • Survival: Is you against other A.I drivers while a Big Rig drop's exploding barrel's for you to dodge and rack up points and beat the High Score.
  • Detonator: Pit's you against the clock while trying to avoid the automatic Power plays triggered, there is no room for error in this game mode!
  • Air Strike/Revenge: You a chopper and a heck load of missile's which you have to dodge to rack up points and multiplier's, In revenge you do the same but this time you can knock back the Rockets at the said chopper to win, the quicker you do this the better as you are timed!
  • Elimination: Same as race but only the last position gets knocked out after a certain time, so being 1st is nearly all ways a must!
  • Elite Race: These the elite players of Split second, who will stop at nothing to win or make sure you loose. High Speed Action, Explosions are a must in theses race's if you want to win!

Episode 5 - 2 Race's, 1 Survival, 1 Air strike, 1 Bonus race, 1 Elite race...

Doing theses Race's Earn you Credits to unlock other cars Etc. and this is where we felt Split Second show's one of it's weakness. As there is no point in Unlocking a Faster way better car if the A.I is gonna keep up with you, there was even time's when cars that had low strength could ram our car of the road or even push us like we was a piece of paper. hell we even won some race's with a low level car against some of the Elite vehicles, so we was asking our self's what was the point to theses car's as it didn't feel like it offered anything. OK some did handle better than others also some had way better acceleration/speed but that's all pointless if the A.I are in low level cars than you and can keep up or push your car around like its nothing. we triggered a Power Play quite a few times wrecking multiple cars only for us to drive skillfully round this chaos only for them to be right behind us 1 second later yet this happens to you and, well lets say you'll be playing catch up!

We thought Rubber band A.I went out yrs ago yet it seems black rock studio thought it was a good idea to keep it in the game, we can understand that they did this to keep the action and power plays constant but as gamers we feel as though if i set up a power play and smash multiple cars with one and we drive skillfully through it all then we should be rewarded for it. Not like 'hell yeah that was awesome' then only to have all of them right behind you again, as it give's no time for the player to enjoy his hard work!

Micheal Bay would eat his heart out here!

This is not to say split second isn't fun, as it is at times but more so it's frustrating when the A.I can do whatever they want yeah they make mistakes from time to time, but there are to many moments where they do something that would wreck your car or even slow your car down. see we remember these things in games like Burnout, Need for speed. but these games were on the last gen console's and we could forgive it back then as every time they did another one (sequel) they would make the A.I better and not have them up your arse all the time. As with split Second there a many moments where your like 'common, common... your taking a corner brilliantly, skillfully driving through the chaos/explosion's handle the effects of the power play; only to look back and see the cars be hide you doing it with ease. even though the force of some power plays knock your car from the after effect of the explosion's! see our biggest problem with split second is that once you've raced on all the tracks, you know what to expect or maybe whats gonna happen and we feel that at times it becomes all to predicable.

What Happens next?....... (yeah we crashed into it)

But we do have to admit when you forget about the A.I and it's short coming's Split Second is something of fresh idea, it's different and new so we have to give it to black rock studio for trying something new as alot of other developers wont take the risk theses days. And as we all know nothing is perfect on its first time, we could sit here a pick at other things like; not being able to trigger power plays behind us, or that the handling sometimes feels off or goes weird for no reason. But again as we said this is a new IP and no everything will be perfect and we can respect that!

Now once you venture online with Split Second a lot of these problems go away, as many times did we beat other racer's easily because we was in a much better car than they was (this is why we was confused about the SP side of it) yeah we even got beat due to this at times when we hadn't unlocked some of the better car's. So yeah playing online will require a decent car unless you don't mind getting beaten a lot!

Waiting in the lobby, and hoping to whoop some people!

the modes online are the same as the Single player yet you don't have; Detonator, Air strike/Revenge, Elite Race's. But you do get the rest and we must say Survival is a lot of fun against friends, as the Race's online usually come down to what car your racing as we said before the stats for your cars do matter online Unless you keep making mistakes.

As you can see in our Multiplayer Race Below

Online does offer some options for the host to change basic things but still better than coming out to re-do it all or just to change the game mode. if anything the online part of Split Second is not as predicable as the SP side of it as you have real players to deal with and not the A.I the game does say its supports Downloadable Content so it will be good to see what they put out. We hope its some more tracks than anything else well we would have liked the option of replays as we did feel a bit let down by this, the game has none not even a Photo Mode! which is weird as alot of games are starting to do this.

As we said your basic in-game options!

So does Split Second hold up to what else is on offer out there... well yes and no, as if anyone is a big Burnout, Need for Speed fan will enjoy Split second but might feel a bit let down by its Rubber band A.I or is lack of tracks Etc.. as Critertion Studio's have have done an amzing job with the burnout series and we think it would be hard for anyone to say this takes there Crown. but we would easly recomend Split second to these people as it offers just enough to keep you interested untill either Critertion make another Burnout, or till we get the Need for speed: Hot Pursuit. Either way Split Second does have alot to offer arcade racers out there. yes Split Second does have its short comings but it does remind us of those time when we was trying to beat a record or score, and missing it by a second or a couple of points. Only for us to keep trying over and over again until we got it!

Will everyone enjoy Split Second... No they wont but for those who do, will know every second/point, Corner, Close call, and power play will count.

  • Amazing visual's
  • Addictive Multiplayer
  • Good game modes
  • Power Plays offer something new and change everything (including the track)
  • Dare we say fun at time's
  • Can get too Frustrating at times
  • No Replay's (and why not BRS)
  • Rubber Band A.I
  • Car stats in Single player don't mean much
Here is a Video of the Options/Game Modes, for Split Second.

After watching Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony's E3 Press Conference's i feel as though this years E3 was a weak showing for the hardcore gamer, it felt like MS/Sony was all about the Motion controller's even after Sony kinda failed at the Sixaxis as i have yet to see a game take full advantage of it and it work!

No this year was all about both company's going about how they defined that area of gaming, how they are the only place you can get these kind of precise controls.... well let me tell you as a gamer, I DONT GIVE A FUCK! (well i do but i'll explain)

So ill give a run down of each Press Conference;


So now we know the name of Project Natal...... KINETIC! and even though i dont think the name is bad, i wasn't that impressed by the game. OK so we know the MTV's Dance Central is gonna sell loads, just as Your shape fitness game is gonna do the same, see we is all for this but c'mon MS what about all the other game's you could of shown?

There was no Big Wow moments at all, OK there was a bit with gears of war 3/Black op's. But still it wasn't show stopping stuff! Last years was way better and i have to say MS WTF was the circus thing about hmmm as that was a load of crap. for us we could see where MS was going with there Press Conference they was targeting the Casual gamer, which is a good business move as you can see by the Wii sale's and game sale's that these kinda game's do sell well!

Also there is now a Xbox 360 slim? which looks lovely as hell but is it gonna be a decent model this time round and is it gonna be any less quite (not that bothers us considering we have our TV's quite loud) well atleast MS put built in Wi-fi into it!

Its just a shame MS didn't show other big game's or there future plans for hardcore gamers, if we're honest we feel a bit let down with MS this yr as ok we now know the name for Project Natal (Kinetic) but still there is no price point for it. But overall MS's Conference was for them to push Kinetic this year im just hoping we dont see a Master Chief @ the Common wealth games, or Master Chief @ MS sports!

well lets hope MS dont forget about us Hardcore gamers that's all we're gonna say.


We cant be that pissed at Nintendo as they have all ways had Motion controls for the get go, and it seems that there just add better games for it. We did like the showing of the new Zelda: Skyward Sword! even if the controls did seem to lag a bit or not respond at all, but the games that they did show where ones that where interesting, As the Metriod game looked intriguing.

and The new 3DS game Icarus boy looked really good, but again the rest was typical Motion Control games! we didn't feel that Nintendo was offering anything new or a Must have even Zelda was a maybe after the control problems they had on stage.


Let me get this out of the way, We have no interest in MOVE what so ever as its over priced offer's nothing that the Wii cant offer (apart from HD graphics) as for us Sony's Move is the wii-mote and Nun-chuck really. The game Sorcerer was cool and all but it was like a wanna be harry potter! and as for the rest of the Move game's we couldn't care less or that old games are getting its support,

but Sony did do something that made us happy, they showed Metal Twisted, Infamous 2, Sly Series (Re-Releasing) now we all think Kevin Butler is a funny guy but having a dig at MS/Nintendo about there Motion Controls just show's how petty Sony is, hell they even Dig at Apple and the I-phone/Pad. I mean dig all you want Sony but FACT is the sale's figures speak for them self!

and lets also be honest and say the PSP-Go is............ for us a waste of time, so we not even gonna bother!

As you can tell we wasnt impressed that much by what we saw, we do see the potential of these's new motion controls but i think its a way off before hardcore gamers are gonna jump on the band wagon!

Here is sony's list of the game's that will support Move;

Sony Computer Entertainment

  • Beat Sketcher (Fall 2010)
  • SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (Fall 2010)
  • EyePet (Sept. 2010)
  • Kung Fu Rider (Sept. 2010)
  • Sports Champions (Sept. 2010)
  • Start The Party! (Sept. 2010)
  • echochrome ii (Sept. 2010)
  • Tumble (Sept. 2010)
  • Hustle Kings (Oct. 2010)
  • The Fight: Lights Out (Oct. 2010)
  • The Shoot (Oct. 2010)
  • TV Superstars (Oct. 2010)
  • High Velocity Bowling (Oct. 2010)
  • PAIN (Oct. 2010)
  • Heavy Rain (Oct. 2010)
  • SingStar Dance (Nov. 2010)
  • Little Big Planet 2 (Nov. 2010)
  • Sly Collection (Nov. 2010)
  • Killzone 3 (Feb. 2011)
  • Heroes on the Move (2011)
  • Sorcery (2011)

Everyone Else

  • John Daly's ProStroke Golf (OG International) (Fall 2010)
  • Racquet Sports (Ubisoft) (Fall 2010)
  • The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest (WB Games Inc.) (Sept. 2010)
  • Brunswick Pro Bowling (Crave) (Sept. 2010)
  • Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (Capcom) (Sept. 2010)
  • RUSE (Ubisoft) (Sept. 2010)
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2010 (Electronic Arts) (Sept. 2010)
  • Time Crisis: Razing Storm (Bandai Namco) (Sept. 2010)
  • Toy Story 3 (Disney) (Sept. 2010)
  • Kung Fu Live (Virtual Air Guitar Company) (Oct. 2010)
  • NBA 2K 11 (2K Sports) (Oct. 2010)
  • Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos (Crave) (Nov. 2010)
  • Disney Tron Evolution the Video Game (Disney) (Nov. 2010)

Here are some MP video's of Uncharted 2, my Ps3 did crash during the recording of both of them!

Being a Transformer's is nearly every kids dream, and after one good movie and one shit game, and a OK sequel to that game (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) now High Moon Studio's are releasing Transformers: War For Cybertron, And they have released a demo on the Xbox Live Marketplace and from what we played it was fun and better than the other games that have been released.

High Moon Studio's is doing something else other Dev's have missed and not done..... Not doing a movie tie-in game, which is one of the best things they could of done!

The Demo comes with 2 game mode's; Team Deathmatch, Conquest and only 2 Class's to pick from, but before you go into any game you can customize your character class from different weapons to Abilities etc... and more are unlocked as you progress (or the more kills/capture's you get) think Modern Warfare 2/Battlefield;Bad Company 2 and you'll understand what we mean as you earn XP for each Kill/Capture and in doing so you level up unlocking different abilities, weapons, upgrades and there even challenges to complete you can even select Regional/Worldwide for your matchmaking!

These Xp Unlocks can change how you play the game and mode, its just a shame you can only unlock certain things though that might be down to that you can only level up to 'Level 3' but it does get us thinking as to what the full game can offer as we could see so many opportunities for things like "Oh man wish i could be a jet and fly over here and cover my team or wouldn't it be cool if had a shield to block incoming fire while i defend this point" we did have so many moments where we felt like we was in a war against the Decepiticons/Autobots, in short we actually felt like we was a Transformer!

High Moon Studio's is on to something here as the game is fun to play you can tell there's gonna be lot on offer from the full game by just playing the demo, which makes us wonder will the Single player part be as good as we hope it will? As we have never seen how The War started or even much of Cybertron for that matter, we do hope HMS dont mess it all up! well we can say the MP demo was a nice taste of thing's to come, as in some ways it's kind of hard to put into word's some of the moments we had; Like driving at the enemy shooting then transforming and sliding across the floor while still shooting like one of the scene's from the movie!

Checkout this Video of us Playing

Our time spent with Transformers: War For Cybertron was good it was fun it had alot to offer/show us, as like we said there is gonna be a lot on offer here once the game comes out this month (in only 10 day's) it has Co-op, Multiplayer, Xp Challenge's which we all know gamers love, we even wondered if it would have a Prestige mode/system well we wouldnt be surprised if it did! there is load's we could talk about but i think the best thing you could do is Download the demo for your self and see.

Well let's hope High Moon doesn't drop the ball on this one, Transformer's: War For Cybertron is out on June 22, 2010.

Quick look at some of the Options/Xp Unlocks etc...

XBOX 360 Must Have Game's;

Release Date: October 27, 2009

The game makes it possible for everyone to experience the thrill of owning the world's most exotic and exquisite cars. Live the most realistic racing experience ever as you take the wheel of more than 400 of the most-beloved cars on over 100 renowned real-world tracks and exotic road courses from around the globe. With breathtaking HD graphics and the most advanced vehicle performance modeling in a video game.

Game Ranking;

Release Date: February 12, 2008

Lost Odyssey is the story of Kaim, an immortal character who has lived more than 1,000 years. He doesn't remember his past, and he doesn't know where his future lies. Throughout Kaim's journey, a handful of characters join him on an odyssey to discover their intricate past and destiny, leading players through a dramatic story of massive scale.

Game Ranking;

Release Date: May 27, 2008

Gamers who missed the original Lost Planet will have the opportunity to experience the epic gameplay that made the original a global hit with the added bonus of fresh new content and cross platform multi-play all at a great value price. Fans of the Lost Planet's online action will be thrilled at the inclusion of new online modes, maps, weapons, and models.

Game Rankings;

Release Date: August 8, 2006


Frank West is a freelance photojournalist on the hunt for the scoop of a lifetime. He travels to a small suburban town in pursuit of a hot lead, only to find that it's been overrun with zombies

Game Rankings;

Release Date: November 20, 2007

Another rich amazing world, Mass Effect is a game you can
immerse yourself in with some amazing game elements, like the conversation system and upgrading off weapons and how the character interact with one another mass effect is a rare game in its self! (Shame about the lift's though)

Game Rankings;

Release Date: May 18, 2010


Ok lets be honest it wasn't worth the 4 yr wait, but Alan wake does have such a high quality of story telling about and set pieces! shame that it could of been a bit more to it, but then lets hope the Sequel sorts this out, but it is still a must have even if it is a bit Flawed.

Game Ranking;

Release Date: August 25, 2009


Best Batman Game EVER... Game ooze's quality, no other comic book game hero has even been realized like this. Rock Steady should try there hand at other Comic book hero's! i cant stress how amazing this game is........ wait i can my miss's even played it!

Game Ranking;

Release Date: August 21, 2007

Rapture is an amazing immerse world like any other, but not everything is what it seems! from begining to the end Bioshock was one of the stand out game's of 2007.

Game Ranking;

Release Date: November 17, 2008


Fight together...or die alone. A new and highly virulent strain of the rabies virus emerges and spreads through the human population with frightening speed. Left 4 Dead offers some of the best co-op Experiences around on any game, Must have for 3600 gamers every where.
Game Ranking;

Release Date: April 27, 2010

Super Street Fighter IV is an upgraded version of the original Street Fighter IV with all of that game's characters, plus an expanded roster of both brand-new characters and returning characters from previous games.

Game Ranking;

Here are My Top 10 Must have PS3 Games;

Release Date: May 26, 2009

I still haven't finished this game yet it is one of my favorite games from sucker punch who did do the sly raccoon series and this was a different direction for them and well worth having a play through once or twice if you wanna be evil!

Game Ranking:

Release Date: February 27, 2009

Killzone 2 is what every PS3 owner wants a great shooter, from the opening scene its clear the KZ2 is out to prove that not all great Shooters can only be on the xbox!

Game Ranking;

Release Date: May 25, 2010
Kart Racing/Build

Gotta to love MNR as the same way you do LBP, as ModNation Racers is a thoroughly fresh take on classic kart racing that empowers the player to personalize their entire game. Players can express themselves by creating their own Mod character, styling their own racing kart and even building - in just minutes

Game Ranking;

Release Date: September 29, 2009

Ninja Gaiden [Xbox] is still one of my All time Favorite game's and this follows second, its what the 360 Sequel should of been. It introduces Co-op over the PSN and aloud more features which make it a must have for any PS3 owner!

Game Ranking;

Release Date: October 27, 2008

Little Big Planet:

In LittleBigPlanet Players meet on a blue and green planet scattered with individual plots - and use their character's amazing abilities to play, create and share what they build with other gamers throughout the world via the Playstation Network.

Game Ranking;

Release Date: November 17, 2009

God Of War - Collection:

Kratos face's God's Titans in this Epic tale of God's and Monsters, He takes on Areas, Hades's and Zues himself!
But Kratos is no innocent man himself after the crime he committ's!

Game Ranking's;

Release Date: September 12, 2007

Heavenly Sword:

Heavenly Sword was a great but flawed title, it had a great story character's and some amazing scene's. Yet it was all let down by some average fighting mechanic's.... shame really as it could of been so much more but still one of the best PS3's later titles

Game Ranking;

Release Date: October 13, 2009

ted 2: Among Thieves:

Action Packed with explosives, One liners and amazing story telling thanks to Amy Hemming. Uncharted 2 build's on everything from the first game, even adding a Multiplayer Experience, This game is the Full Package for any PS3 Owner.

Game Ranking;

Release Date: March 16, 2010

God Of War 3:

Krato's war against Zeus and Olympus comes full circle in this Brutal yet Epic tale of Revenge, Love and Discovery.... one of the the best Action games to date!

Game Ranking's;

Release Date: June 12, 2008
Metal Gear Solid 4: Gun's Of The Patriots

Snake's Final Chapter is one of so many WTF/WoW moments its sometimes hard to keep up, but then MGS series has all ways been one for a Big complex story line. And MGS4 does not disappoint! it has an overblown plot but that doesn't stop you enjoying the rich world and characters you get to see/meet in this amazing send off to snake!

Game Ranking;

There Are some game's that are not here, but it was hard to pick a list of ten. My others would of been;
Ratchet & Clank
Heavy Rain
Yakuza 3
Unreal Tournament 3

But they did but atleast i still mentioned them.....