After Completing ArmA II and loving every minute of it (which we'll Review soon) We decided to go through ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead... And after the first hour of playing we are glad we did as it, is as every bit as good as Arma II was. Well even more so with some major improvements and more options.
Now we're sure most people who played it knew how buggy the first game was when it was released but then Bohemia Interactive is no stranger to Game's like Arma II! As we're sure a lot of you have played Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis would know what to expect from the AmrA II games, bloody realistic comes to mind! Even on the default difficulty we struggled with some of the mission's and was not down to the game (o.k. the A.I can be weird at times) but it was down to our impatience by either running out into the battlefield or not using our squad, or checking our map and using it tactical attacks etc...
We even had a predator drone at our disposal, there is so many way's to tackle the mission it was nice to actually feel real freedom with what you wanted to do as the player. Not many games offer this much freedom, we did mention before that the A.I can be weird sometimes but more often than not our team were brilliant at their job of engaging their targets.