Crackdown was a unique game when it launched in 2007, as the idea was something different and had not been done before. Now 3 years later and Ruffian Game's have released Crackdown 2 not done by the original Development Team of Crackdown as they was busy making APB. But that's not to say Ruffian games have done a bad job or that Crackdown 2 is not fun nor is it a bad game!
OK let’s be honest it's not a major overhaul of the original game it still uses the same city (with added area's) and you still are a Agent of the agency, but this time you’re not taking out gang's you’re dealing with a Terrorist group called 'Cell' and dealing with the Freaks (Infected) at night! Anyone who has played the Original Crackdown will remember a mission where you have to kill Dr. Charablaboblow and to do this you have to break into his lab, during which you come across some Infected this is where Ruffian Games have took Crackdown 2.
As Crackdown 2 is set 10yrs after Crackdown and it seems that those infected humans/creatures have not only escaped but managed to infect nearly everyone in Pacific City. But Cell did have a part to play in all this as Ms Thorn helped unleash the Virus across Pacific City or did she... If were honest the story takes a back seat to the Action as Crackdown 2 at its core is very much like its Predecessor, as its about 'Kill's For Skill's' and you have 5 overall to level up; Agility, Fire Arms, Strength, Explosion's, and Driving Skill's! And leveling up theses skill's will unlock different ability's i.e.; Jump higher, Better weapons, Able to pick up cars!
Which you will need to be able to deal with Cell plus the Infected, as even on the normal difficultly we got our ass's kicked (handed to us) but then Crackdown 2 has 4 player Co-op but we did feel as though only higher difficulty's would require this as during our time playing 4 player co-op we found our self's either rocketing/grenading our team mate's or being on the receiving end of it. Which did get annoying we can tell you?
BOOM, BOOM...... Oh my bad!
So we felt we would only need 4 players if we was on higher difficulty's especially when wiping out the Infected lair as in Crackdown 2 your are tasked with wiping out the Virus/Infected as well as Cell, mainly taking over Cell's strongholds and making them into Agency post's. What is funny is that all of the infected locations are nearly the same place as that of the Original game's Bosses! and taking over Cell's strongholds is a bit like taking out doing one of the original bosses Hench men, it’s all very familiar even though there different enemy's and the way of doing it is different; like to wipe out an Infected lair you have to activate 3 beacon's which then show you where the point of the Main area you have to wipe out is. and you then get there call in the Beacon/Device that needs to charge up which during this you have to defend it until it does its job of cleansing the area!
Taking over strongholds is a bit different, you get the and again you activate it by calling in chopper support. But they won’t turn up until you've killed enough cells for them to drop off safely, and at times it can get very chaotic we can tell you as some of the enemy's aren't push over’s armed with Rocket launchers, Mini Guns etc... Taking them over can prove a bit of thinking at time's! Problem with crackdown 2 is its too much like the first one as they've added some things but took other stuff away as no the agency cars don't morph/change when you jump into them, which is one of the things we loved about the original OK we get choppers but still... there isn’t that much different in the weapons either.
OK, I'll take.....
But then what would Crackdown 2 be without its orbs and yes they are present in the game along with some really annoying renegade orbs, which move while you try an catch them either in a car or by rooftop it all depends on which one you try and catch. And we have to say collecting orbs is still as addictive as ever, as you’re going to need to if you want to max out those skills. See we could try and go on about how this game is way better than the original but then we would be lying, in truth it's basically the same game with some added new stuff like choppers or a wing suit that allows you to glide around. but that's not to say it wasn't fun as it was we spent 13+ hours playing Crackdown 2 and we enjoyed every bit of our time spent with the game, either on our own or with some mate's during Co-op apart from being blown up a lot or kicking your co-op buddy off a roof as he just got there as we said before collecting orbs was still addictive as ever, Climbing building's, doing roof top race's... it is still fun as it was back in 2007 as some of the ideas people did back then have been made into a multiplayer mode.
Agent this is no time for a toilet break!
Yes Rocket Tag is a competitive mode now, and yes Crackdown 2 has a Multiplayer aspect with only with 3 modes;
- Rocket Tag: Grab the orb while everyone else try's to kill you for it with their rocket's
- Deathmatch: Really do we need to says more???
- Team Deathmatch: Again Really?
If you do get into a decent room the multiplayer side of crackdown 2 is fun as there is all way's private matches if you don't like the public games, just make sure you have enough friends to join you! We think Crackdown 2 is a game people will either love or hate some people who loved the first one will feel a sour taste in their mouth over how very similar it all is, and there are those you will see it as an insult to the original game. do we think this is a full sequel? no we don't, it feels more like Crackdown 1.5 if anything can we say it's worth the 39.99 price tag? Again no we can’t but it depends on the person/gamer. OK it offers Multiplayer and 4 players Co-op but does that mean it's worth it?? Again it will all depend on the person playing it and if you didn't like the demo or felt it wasn't good enough like the original then don't bother buying it!
As we spent from 10:00pm till 4:00am playing it with CameronMANIA. And he didn't buy it even though he did enjoy it, only to say I'd pay 800 MS points for it as it feels like an ADD-ON! Crackdown 2 is fun and addictive but we feel as though it’s a bit of a missed opportunity or that we will no doubt get DLC for some of the things we thought we would get or should of got. let’s hope Crackdown 3 does something different and new, while keeping that crackdown feel an vibe that people love and bring back the morphing car's!!!!!
- Orb collecting
- Maxing out your Skill's
- Co-op (creating your own game)
- Some neat ideas
- Rocket Tag is a blast
- More of the same
- Not worth the asking price
- Feel's as though stuff is missing
- Could of been much more